How to Funnel Your College Selections
Currently, there are over 4,000 colleges and universities opening their application process in the United States this August. With the abundance of collegiate avenues to explore it can be challenging to select the right fit.
Are you feeling overwhelmed with the process of finding a college that is right for you? You are not alone. With so many factors playing a part in finding the appropriate college to match you and your future ambitions, frustration is a common symptom for many high school students.
To counteract these frustrated feelings, consider the process to be like a funnel. Be purposeful in how you approach the question of what you are looking for in a university
and narrow down the specifics.
Are you looking to be close to home or far away?
Do you want to stay in state or are you willing to look outside of your state of residence?
Are you inclined to be at a large university or a smaller college?
Would you prefer a public or a private university?
What major(s) are you considering?
Are you looking for any specialized research opportunities?
Are there any particular clubs/organizations/sports that you want to participate in?
What kind of campus atmosphere are you drawn to experience?
Do you have any family affiliations at any institutions?
Finally, not to be overlooked, one of the most important questions to discuss as a family: How much are you willing to spend for your degree?
Taking the time to do some soul searching and to have an honest conversation with your family regarding these questions and their answers will help to eliminate frustration. As you begin to funnel your options, listen to your instincts.
As rising Seniors work to fine-tune the list of colleges and universities that they plan to apply to this fall, it does not hurt to seek input from specialists who are familiar with this process. Research intentionally, ask questions, seek advice from a reputable source, and you, too, will be College Bound, Career Ready!
Contact College Bound, Career Ready for an initial consultation by emailing or by utilizing the Contact Us page on our website at,
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